Words of Wisdom


Monday, September 19, 2011

Massacre at the Lane

As a rule, I only start watching the BPL around November, as I am involved in football 24/7 and it just gets a little tired. So I spend the "off" months watching the Tour de France, Rugby, some basketball, beach football and more importantly movies.

Well, this past Sunday, I thought I was watching a game, but it ended up being a movie nite. Being a fans of the Reds, I thought, this would be a good game. My best mate, a Spurs fan was in town and it promised to be a good nite.

It started off badly, to put it mildly, and then progressively got worse. The good guys, Liverpool were getting hammered. As in all movies, the heroes get walloped first and then make a comeback sweeping the floor with the bad guys. No such thing this time!

The "Bad guys" were good ad getting better by the minute. The speed at which the football was played made me think that they had Usain Bolt, Asafa Powell, Tyson Gay on the bench. Could football be played any faster. At this point, poor Arsenal fans who were watching may think, "Isn't this they way we are supposed to play with our young lads?"

Good God Almighty, this is why Malaysia is where it is. We are exhilarated by watching this kinda football, but we can't emulate it. The touches and speed come from years and years of playing games at pace. Not thinking about what to do when you get the ball but knowing where it's going next and sending it on its way.....immediately!

Sufficed to say, the Reds turned out being the bad guys, pummelled from the 1st round onwards and left punch drunk at the final whistle. They have to learn from their mistakes. Kudos to Dalglish though, he stood there with the players and didn't cower in his seat.

Spurs fans have been in this position before and have always played flamboyant, devil may care football. This time they showed intelligence as well and slowed the game down showing restraint and tactics. That was great to watch. This looks like a mature team.

Act 2 was Man U v Chelsea, which I thought the Blues would nick. They played breathtaking football and had 21 shots on goals and some of their 1st time touches and passing was a sight to behold. Frank Lampard showed he is too pedestrian for the team, with Ramires, Meireles, Sturridge, Torres and Mata keeping the ball on the ground and at super quick pace.

The Red Devils were happy to take advantage of the mistakes the the Blues made and it was all over in 45 minutes. Torres goal and subsequent, confidence sucking MISS will haunt him for some time. Poor chap. He will start scoring though, but this will leave lingering doubt.

All in all, it was a great weekend for football, and Spurs fans are the big winners. After years in the shadows and with some doubt in their mind, this team could make the grade and cause some real damage. Best of luck guys.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The next Woods in golf?

The next Woods in golf? Hell yeah, Cheyenne Woods, Tiger's niece just won the women ACC individual title by 7 strokes and man oh man, is she a looker? Just google her, and you'll see that she doesn't only share Tiger's prowess on the course, but she's sure to be hot marketing propoerty soon as well. My question is, will she remain faithful to the sport? Time will tell.

The next Woods in golf?

The next Woods in golf?

exceptional goal


an inspirational story

Sunday, February 6, 2011

weekends of upsets- bookies at work?

What a weekend of goals, goals and more goals. 39 think and still more to come tonite, possibly. Is this the weekend the bookies rake in the dough? It seems a little dodgy that the results have gone the way we've seen. Especially the Arsenal and Man U games.

I know a lot of people who placed bets and would have doubled up at half time as well. They got it all wrong. That doesn't happen normally and to me, there's something sinister about it.

Thankfully it doesn't happen with our local football. I think.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 - a year of confusion?

What's happening with Malaysian Sports? After the Suzuki Cup win for the football ended the year on a high note, the New Year begins with Badminton Icon Misbun Sidek resigning as singles coach, and the highly successful Karate coach P.Arivalagan not getting his contract renewed and instead being replaced by Iranians.

Where's all the talk on KPI's and getting Malaysians back from overseas? Right here, we are getting rid of the successful ones by one means or another.

It's typical interference from "so called" officials who know more than the coaches and such. When will this end. Maybe this sort of meritocracy should also be applied to politicians and ministers i.e. do a good job and GET SACKED! then how will they feel.

The nation as a whole suffers. We're a little of 53 years old yet act like 3. When will this bullshit stop? When will the idiots leave sport alone and let the professional sports athletes and administrators handle it so we can WIN!