Words of Wisdom


Monday, May 28, 2012

Investigate if only someone dies?

This is with regards to the absolutely ludicrous racing racing accident this past weekend in Putrajaya. In the midst of the celebrations of the 1 Millions Youth Festival, there was a drag race. At night. This http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blLKHIXSuTc&feature=youtube_gdata_player, will show you the situation before and during the accident.

My questions are the following :-

1. Who authorised using a public road for the race?
2. Why were there NO Marshals seen?
3. Why wasn't there sufficient lighting on the audience, so there can see where they're going?
4. How did the ambulance arrive so quickly, which means authorities knew about this, but Police absent?
5. Who organised this and why aren't their names being publicised?
6. The Min Of Sports says, there are NO sanctioning bodies for such races. As usual you don't know what you're talking about!
7. Your deputy seems to know more, as his statements suggest.
8. Are Criminal Negligence charges going to be brought up against the organisers for conducting and illegal
    racing activity without proper sanctions?
9. Was there public liability insurance taken out for the event?
10. The Min says other events like this were done. So he knows and approves of this?

In this Malaysia that we live in, does life mean NOTHING? Who approved and allowed this? How can this happen? Who is responsible and will be accountable?

As an organiser of Sports Events, we ensure the best and safest situations for the rakyat to enjoy the event. Was any of that considered here?

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Millions spend or unspent?

Well, by now its well documented that Man City have edged out their crosstown rivals United by goal difference to bag their first BPL. Many say money was the deciding factor and I agree but have a different view.

In sports, when you win, you did everything, ok mostly everything right. Which brings us to the losers. Now there have been mistakes and this is the time to take stock, Figure out what didn't work and hence you lost. Margins were minute, but that's what sport is coming to these days.

Man City spent millions investing in players as did Man U for the past few decades. What has been lacking is the money is suddenly scarce at Old Trafford. They haven't spent big and wisely. And they sorely needed to. Rio, Giggs and even Scholes have been on their last legs for years. Where are the replacements?

Since they've been winning title after title, the cracks have been papered over. But now its there for all to see. Fergie thinking of offering Scholesly another contract? Surely there must be someone else out there that can emulate him?

Has the noose tightened some much on the finances that even Fergie is looking at options inside his squad. The Glazers used the Ronaldo money to pay the banks and now it show. Indeed it has shown for some time, but big wins against inferior teams in the BPL has made them look like blips. Honestly, Man U have NOT looked like the Man U of old.

Look at the facts, Chelsea imploded with the AVB issue, Arsenal were lost sheep for 3 months, Tottenham faltered due to lack of depth, Liverpool failed to deliver consistently. This year has seen the likes of Newcastle and West Brom do well. Add Swansea and Norwich to that. Overall, the quality of play in the BPL has dropped. The interest and drama has increased.

How many really TOP players are in the BPL? A world X1 if you can. Maybe Rooney only. The rest have been mediocre thanks to more games and eyes on them in the media. Quality wise, there are 4 English managers in the BPL, the rest aren't. Another reason why they will fail miserably in the Euros.

But I digress, Man U owbers have let the team down. Fergie has let the team down. He should be the 1st to demand an influx of talent. In the penultimate game of the BPL, the players on the pitch were worth more than Man Citys'. But not better. Never better.

Yes, Man City spent a whole shit load of dough, but Mancini kept it together even through the Tevez/Balotelli saga and came out tops. Written off 4 weeks ago, he pipped Fergie to the post. And Fergie know he let the fans down. Of all managers in the BPL, he does have the most say with the owners. Or does he?