Words of Wisdom


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Malaysia Cup Final looms.....

It's official. For the 2nd year running, Negri Sembilan will meet Kelantan in the Malaysia Cup Final. Negri overturned a 1 goal deficit to beat Johor FC away 2-0 whilst a goalkeeping error cost Kedah away in Kota Bahru. The twist in this match however is that Kelantan Coach B. Sathianathan was suspended for 6 months by FAM on the match day for something he had said in July.

This is what differentiates our league from the BPL and is possibly why more and more Malaysians prefer the European leagues to our local one. The rules and regulations seem inconsistent. How can Kelantan have a proper chance at winning the Final when their coach is suspended? Is this what is going to better promote Malaysian Football?

In the BPL or European leagues, the commentators and tv shows will dissect the decision and get expert opinion. It helps with transparency, makes for intelligent decisions and talking points, and all views are taken aboard and the fans can decide on their own. Above all, the professional sports administrators can defend their decisions based on common sense, experience and knowledge of the laws, not just political reasons.

Only time will tell now if we are mature enough to take the constructive criticism for our decision making. Watch this space for more.

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